ISO 9001 International Standard for Quality Management
ISO 9001 is an international standard for quality management and is based on eight quality management principles that are essential for good business practice.
- focus on the customer,
- management,
- involvement of people,
- process approach,
- a systemic approach to management,
- continuous improvement,
- fact-based decision making,
- mutual relations with suppliers.

ISO 14001 environmental management system
With the ISO 14001 standard, we prove our awareness and environmental responsibility. Responsible handling of the environment is our responsibility to clients to prioritize products and services from environmentally friendly sources.
ISO 14001 is an internationally recognized management system standard issued by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization). It provides a proven framework for ensuring compliance of our organization’s operations with regulations concerning:
- cost control by conserving the materials and energy invested
- higher productivity and efficiency by reducing the amount of waste and improving energy efficiency.
- continuous improvement of environmental performance.
It is our endeavor to keep ensuring the highest quality of integrated printer rental with Optiprint’s innovation of the infinite color cartridge.